Will be hold in Hotel RH Bayren in Gandia (Valencia) from November 7th to 9th 2022
El Barcelona Supercomputing Center junto a la Alianza SOMMa, coorganizará la edición 100xCiencia
Spanish Workshop in Nanolithography
8th edition
Valencia (Spain)
ICMol will have a stand at #EcoChemicalSolutions
- Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Conductivity and Dynamic Bonding in Nanoscale MOFs
Carl Brozek
Universty of Oregon
"Exploring Chemical Complexity in Group IV Reticular Solids".
11.30 in the - Salón de Actos, Edificio de cabecera.
Enter the world of science at a research institute of excellence.
Molecular Spin Qubits for Quantum Computer and Highly Density Memory Devices Based on Molecular Magnets
Emeritus Professor at Tohoku University
"Polímeros de coordinación porosos como reactores químicos para nuevos materiales avanzados: química en espacios confinados".
11.30 in the - Salón de Actos, Edificio de cabecera.
The Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) will hold its XXXVIII Biennial Meeting at the Palacio de Congresos de Granada
Empty and Endohedral Fullerenes: Some Unique Structures and Properties Useful in Perovskite Solar Cells and Electrocatalysis.
By Luis Echegoyen / University of Texas
ISMEC 2022 will be the 49th edition of a series of meetings that begun in Florence in 1974 as the annual congress of the Italian group of “Thermodynamics of Metal Complexes”.
We will receive at ICMol the visit of several prominent managers of the Japanese multinational UBE Corporation Europe.
10:30 a.m. / Room SS6.
Efficient and Stable Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Device Concepts and Stability Test Aspects.
Erkan Aydin
El Cerebro humano es la máquina más eficiente, sostenible e inteligente que conocemos. ¿Qué pasaría si lo imitamos?
Expociència, la fiesta de la ciencia del Parc Científic de la Universitat de València, inaugura su XIV edición.
15th European School on Molecular Nanoscience & 9th Workshop on 2D Materials
Tordesillas (Valladolid, Spain)
Junto a la Dra. Alicia Forment Aliaga podrás conocer uno de los laboratorios del ICMol y su equipamiento. ¡Bienvenid@ al Nanomundo!
VI Jornada de la Mujer Investigadora - Salón Actos Ed. Cab. Parc Científic
Concurso dirigido a estudiantes de 3º y 4º de ESO, Bachillerato, FPB y Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio en centros educativos de la Comunitat Valenciana.
La energía es el factor que contribuye principalmente al cambio climático, somos conscientes del problema, pero ¿sabemos cómo solucionarlo?
Súmate a la charla online de Eduardo Andrés García (ICMol) y sigue descubriendo el Nanomundo
Topic: Chemistry in Microelectronics
Where: Room SS6. ICMol
Who: Analog Devices (ADI) and Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM)
Investigadores del ICMol participarán del Pint of science 2022 #PINT22ES
Host-guest interactions in soft and hard matter from a computational viewpoint.
German Sastre
Descubre diferentes cusiosidades acerca de las baterías, su historia y aplicaciones.
The defense will take place next Friday, april 29th 2022, at 10h00 in the SS6 Seminar Room.
La investigadora Raquel Galian (ICMol), nos hablará sobre el sorprendente mundo de los Materiales Luminiscentes. ¡Súmate!
Inverting the singlet-triplet energy gap in triangle-shaped molecules: a matter of Symmetry and correlation.
#ICMolTalks Gaetano Ricci
Methods and Applications of Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED)
#ICMolTalks Brent Nannenga
Molecular engineering of polyoxometalates at electrodes
#ICMolTalks Anna Proust
Topic: Water Treatment
Where: Room SS6. ICMol
Who: Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM) and AINIA
PhD thesis defense of Noemi Monni entitled "Exploiting the Potential of New Coordination Frameworks for Technological Applications – from Temperature Sensing to Magnetic Storage” It is an online thesis. You can access it via Skype using the following link: Skype