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The C9920-02 absolute quantum yield spectrometer employs photoluminescence method to measure absolute quantum yields quick and accurately. The setup comprises an excitation light source, monochromator, an integrating sphere and a CCD spectrometer for detecting the whole spectral range...
Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA 851e model that operates in the range 25 - 1100ºC provided with an ultramicrobalance with sensitivity of 0.1 ?g. Thermogravimetry (TGA) is a technique that measures the change in weight of a sample as it is heated or held at constant
With ALD, ultra-thin films are created through a precise, sequential exposure of a substrate to gas phase precursors, resulting in controlled layer-by-layer deposition with atomic proportions and pin-hole free morphology conformal to the substrate\'s shape. ALD finds...
Spray drying is a processing technology to transform a liquid feedstock into a dried powder through four fundamental steps: Atomization of the feed into a spray, spray gas contact, solvent evaporation and separation of the dried product from the drying medium. The S-300 Buchi Spray Dryer has an...
Mettler Toledo DSC 821e model that operates in the temperature range -150 - 500ºC equipped with a liquid nitrogen cryostat and a 200W furnace supply which allows maximum heating rates of 20ºC/min. Ceramic sensor plate guarantees robustness and design
Carboltie Gero Laboratory Ovens are devices that can meet the precise temperatura control and temperatura uniformity requirements for the synthetic laboratory work. It is used for a wide range of applications such as drying, evaporating, curing or in our case synthesis of MOFs. Depending on the...
This platform allows to automatically dispense virtually any liquid / solid into any type of container. The GPU-P gravimetric dispensing unit reduces dosing times (typically 20 sec for 1 g depending on powder flow properties) with a 10 µg resolution. Liquid handling in powdered by 4 syringe pumps...
Vertical laminar flow cabin model AV30/70 from Telstar equipped with a spin coater SUSS LabSpin6 BM Bench mounted system for two-inch wafers or small rectangular substrates. Speed: 100 - 8.000 rpm, acceleration 4.000 rpm/sec and spinning time: 1 s up to 999 s
Cleanroom class ISO 7 with a surface of 80 m2. Several instruments are available inside: Electron-beam lithography, Laser writer optical lithography, ellipsometry, UHV evaporators, Plasma ICP-RIE dry etching, Sputtering, wire bonder and optical microscope.
Creality Ender 3S1 3D printer with FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology with a printing volume of 220 x 220 x 270 mm. It can print with a resolution of 160 µm on the Z axis and 150µm on the XY axis. It is equipped with a printing bed that can be heated to up to 100oC. It supports the most...