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Facilities, MOED

Absolute PL quantum yield spectrometer - Hamamatsu C9920-02

The C9920-02 absolute quantum yield spectrometer employs photoluminescence method to measure absolute quantum yields quick and accurately. The setup comprises an excitation light source, monochromator, an integrating sphere and a CCD spectrometer for detecting the whole spectral range...

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) system - Arradiance Gemstar XT

With ALD, ultra-thin films are created through a precise, sequential exposure of a substrate to gas phase precursors, resulting in controlled layer-by-layer deposition with atomic proportions and pin-hole free morphology conformal to the substrate\'s shape. ALD finds...

External and Internal Quantum Efficiency Setup - Enlitech QE-R

The QE-R system allows the measurement of EQE, IPCE, IQE and RS, accurately and quickly. This allows studying different device architectures, their losses, band gaps, among others. The system...

High vacuum chamber for multi-source perovskite deposition

This vacuum chamber allows us to sublime materials in high vacuum (10-6 mbar), which are deposited homogeneously as films into...

Kelvin Probe and Ambient Photoemission Spectroscopy system - KP Technology

El sistema de espectroscopia de fotoemisión a presión ambiente (APS) mide la función de trabajo absoluta de un material por fotoemisión en condiciones ambientales. El rango de excitación de APS es de 3.4 eV a 7.0 eV, lo que significa que APS es capaz...

LED Solar Simulator – Wavelabs Sinus 70

The SINUS-70 ADVANCED delivers class-leading A++ spectrum that starts at 350 nm and extends out to as much as 1,200 nm. Multiple individually controlled sets of LEDs allow us to analyze the...

Mechanical profilometer - KLA Alpha-Step D-500

The Alpha-Step D-500 profilometer allows to measure the thickness of thin layers with a precision of +/- 5 nm, as well as to make 2D measurements with height, roughness, curvature and step strain. The innovative optical toggle sensor technology offers high resolution measurements, large vertical...

Optical profilometer

The Profilm3D® optical profiler uses a state-of-the-art non-contact optical method for measuring surface profiles and roughness, white light interferometry (WLI). White light interferometry...

Parylene Coating System - Diener Parylene P6

The Parylene P6 coating system is the most compact parylene deposition tool available, still with a chamber size of 20 x 20 cm2. It is compatible with...

Photoluminescence Spectrometer - Edinburgh FLS100

The system is a modular fluorescence and phosphorescence spectrometer for measuring spectra from the ultraviolet to the near infrared spectral range, and lifetimes spanning from picoseconds to...

Total: 10
With the support of:
Ayuda CEX2019-000919-M financiada por:
Postal Address:
Universidad de Valencia
Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Catedrático José Beltrán Martínez nº 2
46980 Paterna