Next Tuesday 24th of October, the Gadea Foundation celebrates the I Forum "Gadea Ciencia" in the auditorium of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Madrid. A scientific meeting that has the aim of highlight the importance of Science for the good development and progress of the country.

Leading scientific experts, including the well-known astronaut Pedro Duque, will come together to share their approaches, studies and experiences related to four strategic areas Knowledge, Disease, the Planet and Society. Eugenio Coronado, director of the ICMol, will contribute with his expertise with a talk entitled: "Química y Nuevos Materiales" within the Planet area.

The Gadea Foundation for Science was born with the vocation to encourage scientific research at the service of society, promoting communication and interaction between scientists, as well as bring science and its knowledge to society through education and outreach.

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