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Small matter
for a better

Groups Excellence

Current 2025

Current Theses81

Who we are

Founded in 2000, the Institute of Molecular Science develops a high-quality research in materials science exclusively focused on the molecular aspects of Nanoscience and the study of functional molecules and materials exhibiting useful magnetic, electrical or optical properties using experimental and theroetical (quantum) techniques.

ICMol's research covers from the chemical design of the starting molecule or molecular material to the fabrication and physical characterization of the final molecular device. Also, the potential applications of these molecular systems in different areas of current interest such as molecular magnetism, molecular electronics and spintronics, molecular sensing, catalysis or photochemistry.

ICMol was recognized as Unit of excellence María de Maeztu in 2015 and 2020, a seal that recognizes its research excellence and international leadership. Its members have been performing world-leading research activities in Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Electronics and, more recently, in Molecular Spintronics and other areas of research such as those related with MOFs (Metal-Organic Frameworks) and 2D materials.

Over these years, ICMol has been at the forefront of the research in Molecular Magnetism in Europe. Its director, professor Eugenio Coronado has been the Scientific Director of the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism since its creation in 2008 . In the period 2015-2022, ICMol's researchers have been awarded thirteen ERC grants, including one Proof of Concept, three Advanced, four Consolidator and five Starting.
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OUR MISSION is the chemical design of new molecules and functional materials that present new physical or chemical properties of interest in strategic areas such as electronics and molecular spintronics, quantum computing or energy storage and conversion. The ICMol community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better life through research, education and innovation.
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ICMol's VISION is to bethe leading research centre in its topic area, internationally recognized for its excellence in Materials Science and Molecular aspects of Nanoscience and its contributions to the transformation of society and life.
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EXCELLENCE in materials science using a molecular approach.EDUCATION: Welcoming to talented people regardless of where they come from and building international and interdisciplinary environment.TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER to industry to increase competitiveness and contribute to the economic and social progress of our immediate and global environment.

A Center of Excellence

ICMol is a research center located at the Scientific Park of the University of Valencia. With a surface of nearly 4000 m2 and a staff of 300 researchers, it gathers the most advanced equipment for the synthesis and characterization of materials and molecular devices. The ICMol has been awarded for second time the recognition from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation the seal of Unit of Excelence "María de Maeztu" (2020-2024). Moreover, it hosts the Scientific Unit for Enterprise Innovation awarded by the Valencian Regional Goverment. Research Lines Highlighted Projects
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Ayuda CEX2019-000919-M financiada por: